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Ida Crown Jewish Academy

Ida Crown Jewish Academy, 成立于1942年, is a co-educational high school, 9 - 12年级, 提供综合的一般和犹太研究双学位课程. 通识课程旨在培养学生在人文和科学方面的广泛知识,并为学生充分利用大学教育做好准备. 犹太研究课程旨在培养对犹太学习的深刻理解, 历史, 和传统. The Academy is accredited by AdvancEd.

学生的身体 & 教师

学院现有在校生220人,其中高年级生53人. There are currently 50 faculty
members: 100% have a B.A., 64%的人是M.A., and 12% have a Ph.D.


学校提供严格的双课程大学预科课程. 所有学生都被要求在高中四年的每一年里选修8个专业. 有四门一般研究学科和四门犹太研究,包括希伯来语. Graduation requirements at ICJA are as follows: four years of 英语; three and half years of History; three years of 数学; three years of Laboratory 科学; and two and half years of elective courses. 还有一些次要的要求:四年的体育教育和一年的美术.

犹太研究项目需要四年的学习,横跨四个主要学科:塔木德/犹太思想, 圣经, Prophets and 希伯来语 Language/Literature.


The Academy’s formal schedule is intense and challenging. The school day begins at 8:05AM, and ends at 5:39PM; on Tuesday and Wednesday dismissal is at 5:00PM. Our academic calendar is on a

ladbrokes立博亚洲课程安排|开学日-上午8:00.m. | Tefillah – 8:05 a.m

Judaic Studies Program

所有学生花四年时间学习希伯来语和亚拉姆语的传统犹太文本, including 圣经 and 塔木德. In the sophomore through senior years, 女孩选择专注的专业——要么是犹太法律/思想,要么是塔木德法典,而男孩只专注于塔木德法典. The study of Judaic texts, apart from its intrinsic value, 为学生提供需要分析能力的智力练习. 这种类型的学习采取熟悉的师生话语的形式. 除了, students are required to engage in intensive independent study, in class and outside school. 教学是个性化的,并鼓励合格的学生做高级工作. 在《ladbrokes立博中文版》、《ladbrokes立博中文版》和《ladbrokes立博中文版》中都有普通和荣誉等级. Ida Crown项目的一个主要组成部分是芝加哥的犹太大学Torah MiTzion Kollel项目,这是一个基于校园的研究生犹太奖学金项目. 除了 to their own academic programs, 这些来自美国和以色列的犹太学者和我们的学生一起学习, 工作人员, 和父母, creating additional opportunities for academic enrichment.

General Studies Program

  • Four years of 英语 are required. 普通和荣誉级别在大一和大二级别提供, 和常规, 在初级和高级阶段提供荣誉和先修课程. 为高二英语速成班的学生提供丰富的每周英语研讨会, junior and senior years.
  • 所有的学生都要学习四年的希伯来语课程,并具备阅读能力, 写作, 和口语. In 希伯来语 Language, there are both 常规的 and 荣誉 levels.
  • Three years of 数学 are required; however, most students choose to take four years. 数学提供了四个层次的深度和复杂性增加:概念, 常规的, 荣誉, 和加速. 课程包括代数、几何、高等代数、三角学、微积分预科和A.P. Calculus, AB and BC.
  • 虽然大多数学生都修了四年,但还是要求修三年理科. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, A.P. 生物学,.P. 物理和A.P. Chemistry are offered. Chemistry may be taken at a 常规的 or 荣誉 level, and Physics may be taken at 荣誉 和加速 levels. A.P. 课程是根据学生的注册情况提供的,因此,不是每个A.P. class cited may be offered on a yearly basis.
  • Three-and-one-half years of History are required. Freshmen study Western Civilization, a survey of 历史 and philosophy; sophomores study Jewish History; juniors study U.S. 历史或A.P. U.S. History; and seniors study Modern Jewish History and may enroll in A.P. European History.
  • Electives include A.P. 心理学、心理学、高级艺术、电影、经济学、商业法和各种STEM课程.
  • One year of 美术 and a Driver’s Education course.

In the past three years, 几乎所有学院的毕业生都在四年制大学继续他们的教育. 他们就读的学校包括:巴纳德学院, Binghamton University, 纽约州立大学, Boston University, Brandeis University, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, 厄巴纳, Columbia University, Cornell University, University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Maryland, McGill University, University of Michigan, New York University, Northwestern University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Rutgers University, 斯特恩学院, Washington University in St. 路易斯,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,耶鲁大学和叶史瓦大学.

社区 Service

每年必须有20小时的社区服务才能毕业. Students volunteer their services at social service agencies, 医院, and programs for the disabled in the evenings and on Sundays.


The grading scale goes from A to F. Grade point average is calculated on semester grades; plus (+) and minus(-) designations have no effect on G.P.A. G.P.A. is a combination of Judaic and general classes on a 4.0 weighted scale. 大学先修班、速成班和荣誉班的评分为5分.0规模. Students are not ranked. 课外课程可以获得学分,但不计入G.P.A.



ladbrokes立博亚洲指导部指导主任-女士. Susan Weiss (sweiss@everythingsaneasel.com 773-973-1450 Ext. 121)

ACT/SAT High School Code: 140-725


Student Activities

双重课程对时间的繁重要求限制了课外活动的范围, 但是学生们可以利用各种各样的学校活动, either during school hours, 放学后, 或在星期日. Listed below are some of the school activities.

Boys’ Sports: Interscholastic Basketball, Interscholastic Wrestling, Interscholastic Baseball, Interscholastic Cross-Country, Interscholastic Fencing, Intramural Softball

Girls’ Sports: Interscholastic Basketball, Interscholastic Soccer, Interscholastic Cross Country, Interscholastic Fencing, Intramural Softball

Co-Curricular Activities: AIPAC, 夏洛特的网, Literary Magazine,  “Crown Prints” Student Newspaper, 学生会, 业余无线电俱乐部, 以色列宣传, Keshet Peer Buddies, 数学天才, Model United Nations Programs, National Honor Society, 高级领导人, 年鉴, Service Points Committee, 科学俱乐部, 保存,  “Panim El Panim” Political Awareness and Peer Tutoring


  1. Arranging an faculty sponsor, and
  2. Forming a group of a minimum of ten students


Out-of-Town Students

Mr. 菲尔Zbaraz, 学生社会服务主任作为希望寄宿在我们学校的学生的外地家长之间的非正式联络人. You may contact him at pzbaraz@everythingsaneasel.com.

For our family ICJA is more than just a school. Among many things at ICJA, our children learn respect, community service, 责任, 承诺, 友谊, and excellence in both secular and Judaic education.”

–Michael (Class of 1989) and Tracy Aberman, Current Parents

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